Thursday 3 October 2024

Autumn chilling


It was one of those weekends that the satyr took to being out in the countryside, away from the stifling confines of the city she lived and worked in. She spent a good deal of her morning pottering around in her rented cottage, the short list of tasks were ended with her making a hot cocoa drink in her favourite mug.

 Grasping the mug in her right hand she opens the door to head outside, the air is crisp and chill letting her know that winter is on the heels of autumn. Autumn was a pretty time of year the leaves of the trees going from their greens and yellows to that of brown, orange and gold. Holding her mug now in both hands the satyr walked a short distance from the cottage to sit upon a bench, it was a quiet area a place that let her unwind from the terrible noise of the city. She liked to get back to being with nature it helped her reconnect, the city is no place for someone like her.

Maybe she should just move out here? Yes that sounded like a good idea.

  This month we got three Halloween texture huds coming out from Eden by Eve for the Eden by Eve thigh high socks, they will be at Hallowmart on the 6th October. You can mix and match with the huds to change each sock independently from each other, the socks will work with all currently released texture huds.


Top - Traditional

Middle - Cute

Bottom - Edgey



 Body - Ebody Reborn

Add-ons - Waifu and Juicy rolls

Head - Bespoke Satyr Romi

Eyes - Romi BOM eyes and [T] // Underdark Eyes - Glowstick

Body skin - SOMEONE - Divinity - Almond

Head skin  - SOMEONE - Angel - Almond

Skin add-ons - Divinity Juicy rolls and Waifu cleavage

Ear add-on - [Pirocious] Cichlid Tips for EvoX Ears

Lipstick - Izzies - Holo metalic - Dark Blue

Eyeshadow - 

SOMEONE - Seductive Eyeshadow - Sapphire 

SOMEONE - Seductive Eyeshadow - Glitter liner Gold

Tattoo - Aii - Fallen Comet - Mercury

Horns - Petrichor - Laval bare horns

Hair - Magica - Ash

Top - Buffy's - Demora sweater

Bottom - 

Birchteeth - Mochi shorts - Using Autumn plaid texture hud

Schadenfreude Garter Bat Tights, pants

Eden by Eve - Thigh high socks AP hoofy toe fit - Using Traditional and Edgey texture huds.

Feet - AP hoofy toes

Thighs - Kotr - Squish thighs - Normal

Tail - Petrichor - Faunus tail - Creme



Sunday 11 August 2024

That apocolypse feeling


I don't have any sort of story this month as my brain has been fried a few times by the constant changing weather, here's a pretty shot showcasing the new textures for Eden by Eve's thigh high socks.

Top - Magical top - Eden by Even

Shorts - Vison candy shorts

Socks - Thigh high socks - Eden by Eve - Showing the Apoc textures. It is a HUD only released at Eden by Eve market place. You must have the thigh high socks in order to use the texture hud, these can also be found at the vendor.

Skin - SOMEONE - Divinity body skin and Angel face skin

Eyeshadow - SOMEONE - Glitter sensations - Sapphire

Lipstick - Izzies - Holo metalic - Dark blue

Body - Ebody Reborn

Feet - Anima - Travellers nomads - High

Thursday 11 July 2024

That blueberry taste


It wasn't so bad living in the modern world, there was no longer a need to hide themselves away. Supernatural beings from all walks of life came forward when humans needed them the most, coming together to stop a common enemy but one that didn't come from their world. The invaders were pushed back, humans accepted the other races and life moved on.

She had gotten used to never needing to hide her long ears, her horns or even her cloven hooves and long swishing tail, she liked being out in the open showing what she is and being able to be proud of that. 

Time for a snack she thought as she stopped next to one of the many food places dotting the city streets, she walked inside to purchase for herself a phallus shaped waffle on a stick. Perfect! Upon exiting the small shop her painted lips parted to open her mouth, that willy shapped treat heading to utter doom in the gnashing menance known as her mouth.

Head - Bespoke - Romi satyr head


Eyeshadow - SOMEONE seductive eye shadow - Sapphire

Lipstick - Eden by Eve - Glossy lipstick - Skyblue 03 (Out now on Marketplace and inworld store, comes in 50 colours, BOM EvoX. There is a tester with no limititations )

Hair - monso - Meiko hair - Mix and pop

Body - Ebody Reborn

Skin - SOMEONE - Angel skin - Almond

Horns - Petrichor - Laval bare horns

Eyes - Loa - Hydra eyes - Blue BOM

Accessory - Junkfood - Willy waffle


Friday 14 June 2024



I have many flags and I like rainbow coloured things. 

What are my flags?

I'm Pansexual that means I don't care what's in your pants, if we click then we click.

I'm Polyamorous that means I'm able to romantically love more than oen person, this also ties in with Polysexual.

I'm Demisexual this means I need an emotional connection with someone before I can be intimate with them.

I'm Intersex and no it's not as simple as having both parts, it actually has a wide and varied spectrum. I won't go in to the exact details but I got all the right plumbing and bits expected of my gender, however I have a few very masculine physical traits which is either from PCOS or genetics or both.

Top - Eden by Eve - Magical top Pride edition

Bottom - Birchteeth - Mochi shorts Pride edition

Hair - Yomi - Doxy Pride edition

Legs - Eden by Eve - Thigh high socks - Kotr squish and Travelers Nomads High fit - Three pride texture huds (see above) are available for the thigh high socks found now at Pride Stravaganza You must have the socks to use the huds the socks can also be found at the event. Mix and match.

Body skin - SOMEONE - Divinty - Almond

Head skin  - SOMEONE - Angel - Almond

Horns - Static - Crystaline horns - Sapphire

Eye shadow - Dotty's Secret - Pride cut

Lipstick - Izzies - Holo metalic - Blue

Tattoo - Aii - Fallen Comet - Mercury

Head - Lel EvoX -Kaya

Piercings - NI JU - Var1coseII - Kaya

Thursday 2 May 2024

Crimp barn


 Well howdy there partner welcome to the Crimp barn, you simp them and we'll crimp them. You came just at the right time we're about to let out the mares and stallions in to the fields, now that it's May they can leave the stables to roam freely. What's that? You think I'm talking about your regular ole horses? Neigh sweetie let me show you what I'm talking about, come over here and come look at this beauty. Look at her styled tail and those shiny hooves of hers, be respectul though mister the herd don't take kindly to being gawked at.

Anyhow here at Crimp barn we got every sort of horse to suit your needs, remember if you simp them then we crimp them.

Call now to book a visit at 0800 5745 2856

Side effects of crimping: May want to crimp every time the style loses it's crimping, going ooooh, going aaaaah, stroking the tail, fluffing the tail since it looks so damn fluffy, petting the tail, wearing the tail like a scarf, wearing the tail like a fluffy hat, brushing the tail, making the tail pretty with ribbons.

Warning: Horses might kick you in the crotch if you're touching too much.

Head - [August] Herby head (Horse)

Ears - Eden by Eve horse ears

Body: Reborn

Body addons - Waifus, Juicy rolls and Maze thighs

Tail - Eden by Eve - Crimped tail - Comes in different sizes with a texture hud, it does take tail textures from the Elegant Equines line also by the same creator. Tail will be out at Abnormality 7th May

Hooves - Eden by Eve - Hoobs femme fit - Fits for bodies Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, Peach, Kupra and Reborn, an ankle lock is advised if you have one - Texture hud for colours, and stripes.
These will also be out at Abnormality 7th May

Mod - Eden by Eve - Elegant Equine - Blue roan, Eden by Eve - Horse body marks paint, and Eden by Eve - Horse face marks

Hair - Magica - Ash

Make up - Eden by Eve - Herby glam lipstick and {aa} Rory eyeshadow sapphire

Top - Normandy Caij tied top

Shorts - {Vision} // Cindy denim shorts

Thigh bands - Crybunbun - Heartacle garters

Monday 8 April 2024

Deer in the nightlights


A group of guys walked the dingy streets heading in no particular direction, they were talking loudly at being lost in this city they were visiting. They had wanted to see what the night life was like, do the pub rounds to slam a few drinks before heading for a club. After the last pub they visited everything began to look the same, the looming buildings to the flickering street lamps and neon signs that lit up the dark. The arguing began to get heated only to pause when one of them sees a shadowy shape prance across the street uphead, he shoved his friends to point at the figure that vanished down a side alley.

"Did you see that?" He asked. "I think we should follow." All were in agreement the guys took off to follow this mysterious being, clearly whatever it is wanted to be followed for they caught glmpses of a womanly shape and antlers sprouting from it's head. "Is that a deer?" Another asked. If it was a deer they barely made any sound as it pranced ahead just enough to keep to the shadows from being seen, the group chased this being right up until they came upon a club door entrance and no deer in sight.

"It must have gone in here." Nodding in agreement the group pushed the doors open and there she stood, a delicate looking deer with an enchanting gaze washed in the neon pink of the night club lights. 

"I knew you boys would catch up. Come on the night is young still." She gave them a wink then led up the stairs to the club above, soon as the doors open the night beats of the music rang up and she vanished in to the crowd.

Ears - Fauny ears and basic piercings - Eden by Eve out now at Mystical Market

Tail - Fauny tail - Eden by Eve also out now at Mystical Market

Both items are mod and tintable.The ears come with a Hud that texture the ear fluff. the piercings come with a Hud to texture all the pierings.

Head - Happy paws deer head - small eye version

Eyes - Jeune - Pretichor

Body - Ebody reborn

Hair - Mai - Bonbon

Horns - Cernonnus horns - Gauze&Trapp

Top - Magical top - Eden by Eve

Skirt - Celest skirt - Asteroid Box

Feet - AP hoofy toes

Socks - Thigh high socks for Kotr squish thighs - Eden by Eve

Mod - Fallow deer - Whisk